ACN 232 3640

1.00 The name of the Association is The Adams 10 Metre Yacht Association Inc.

2.00 The address of the Association is co/ the current secretary.

3.00 The objectives of the Association are:

3.10 To encourage the building, sailing and racing of ADAMS 10 Metre Yachts;

3.20 To promote and conduct races, matches, competitions and exhibitions in relation to Adams 10 Metre Yachts and to give or contribute to prizes and trophies in connection with such events;

3.30 To promote, encourage, foster and support social activities of all kinds and descriptions amongst members of the Association;

3.40 To support the development of the Adams 10  Metre Yachts throughout Australia and to assist in and encourage the formation of similar Adams 10  Metre Association in other States of Australia; and

3.50 To affiliate with other bodies having objects similar to this Association.


4.10 The Association’s membership shall be divided into the following classes:

4.11 Life Members;

4.12 Ordinary Members;

4.13 Associate Members; and

4.14 Junior Members.

4.20 Each of the above classes of Membership shall be hereinafter defined:

4.21 Life Members — In consideration of services rendered to the Association by a present or past member, the Committee may nominate any such member as a Life Member. Such nominations shall be submitted to a General Meeting of the Association and, if confirmed, the Nominee shall be declared a Life Member and be entitled to all privileges of the membership without payment of a subscription.

4.22 Ordinary Members — Shall be owners or part owners of Adams Yachts registered with the Association and shall be entitled to vote at
meetings of the Association on the basis of one vote per yacht.

 4.23 Associate Members — Shall be drawn from persons who have commenced building a Adams 10 Metre Yacht or who crew in a Adams 10 Metre Yacht or who for any other reason wish to support the Association. Associate Members shall be bound by the Constitution of the Association and shall be liable for the dues payable by Ordinary Members but shall not be eligible to vote at meetings.

 4.24 Junior Members — Persons between the ages of 16 and 21 years shall, at the discretion of the Committee, be eligible for admission as Junior Members with all the privileges of the Association except holding office or voting at meetings. Junior Members shall pay one half the subscription payable by Ordinary Members.

4.30 Every candidate for membership, except in the case of Junior Members, shall be over the age of 21 years.

4.40 Application for membership shall be made on the prescribed form. The election of Ordinary, Associate and Junior Members shall be by the Committee which may reject any application for membership without assigning any reason for its rejection.

4.50 All applications for membership must be accompanied by the prescribed subscription or fee.


The annual subscription Shall be $120.OOper member per annum or such greater sum as shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting by a two-thirds majority of members present and entitled to vote.


 A member may at any time, by giving notice in writing or by ceasing to hold the necessary qualifications, resign his membership of the Association but shall continue to be liable for any unpaid subscriptions or other monies due to the Association.



7.10 The management and control of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Committee which shall consist of a President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

7.20 All members of the Committee shall retire annually but are eligible for re-election.

7.30 The President shall own or have at least 50% interest in an Adams 10 Metre Yacht.


8.10 The President— is the senior member of the Association and, when present at meetings, shall take the chair.

8.20 The Honorary Secretary — is the next in seniority to the President and in the President’s absence shall act as deputy with the full power and authority of the President. The Honorary Secretary is also the organiser of the

Association and shall keep suitable records of its business. He/she shall attend and keep minutes of all meetings. He/she shall deal with all correspondence and generally carry out such duties as lie within the province of an Honorary Secretary. Records to be kept by the Honorary Secretary shall include:

  • Nominal roll of members and their addresses;

  • Register of yachts;

  • Record of correspondence; and

  • Minutes of meetings.

8.30 The Honorary Treasurer — shall keep proper and accurate books of accounts and shall be responsible for the receipt and payment of all the Association’s financial affairs to the Annual General Meeting and interim statements to the Committee as required.


9.10 Meetings of the Committee shall be held as often as considered necessary for the efficient management of the affairs of the Association.

9.20 Meetings shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary at the request of the President or by the requisition of not les than two Committee members.



10.10 The normal rules of debate shall apply.

10.20 At all meetings the Chairman for the time being shall have a casting vote.

10.30 The agenda for all meetings shall include:

10.31 Minutes of previous meeting;

10.32 Reports and correspondence;

10.33 New registration and members;

10.34 Motions of which notice has been given;

10.35 Confirmation of resolutions; and

10.36 General business.


11.10 There shall be an Annual General Meeting at least once each Financial Year which shall be held not more than 15 months after the previous Annual General Meeting.

11.20 An Auditor shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting each year.



12.10 A General Meeting may be requisitioned by any 6 financial members in writing to the Honorary Secretary.

12.20 The notice for any such General Meeting must reach the financial members of the Association at least 14 days prior to the date set for the meeting.


13.10 A quorum of 6 financial members is required for all Annual General Meetings and General Meetings

13.20 If a quorum is not attained the meeting shall be adjourned for 7 days and financial members attending that adjourned meeting shall constitute that quorum.




14.10 This Constitution shall only be amended at an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting by a two-thirds majority of votes.

 14.20 A copy of the proposed amendments must be sent to each member of the Association at least 14 days prior to the General Meeting concerned.


15.10 All Adams 10 Metre Yachts shall be eligible for registration with the Association subject to the following qualification and procedure.

15.20 All yachts confirmed as Adams 10 Metre Yachts with the Association at 30 June 1995, subject only to Clause 2.50 of the Class Rules.

15.30 After 30 June 1995 all yachts to be eligible for registration must conform to the Adams 10 Metre Class Association Class Rules.

15.40 All yachts registered with the Association shall be bound by the rules and regulations of their respective Clubs when racing within their Clubs.

16.00 Spare


17.10 The property of the Association shall be vested in its Committee who may deal with such property in such manner as they shall think fit for the purposes of the Association provided that no member shall have any proprietary interest in any such property nor shall any distribution of profits be made to the members. If the Association shall be wound up, the surplus of its property after payment of its debts shall be transferred to some other non-profit body having objects similar to those of the Association.

17.20 The Committee may empower all or any of its number to draw and endorse cheques provided that all cheques drawn upon the bank account of the Association are signed by not less than two members of the Committee.

17.30 The Committee may borrow money for the purposed of the Association and mortgage, charge or pledge the property of the Association to secure the repayment of money borrowed.

17.40 The Committee may amend the Class Rules from time to time as may be appropriate or necessary and must inform all financial members forthwith. Any such amendment must be submitted to the next Annual General Meeting of the Association for ratification by a simple majority of votes.

17.50 The Committee may co-opt members of the Association to assist in its work.

17.60 The Committee may appoint one or more Association Measurers who are to be responsible to the Committee for the measurement of all yachts which are presented for Registration. The Association Measurers shall submit a survey report to the Committee as soon as conveniently possible after each yacht is measured.